Authored By Alison

Wisdom Alison Schuh Hawsey Wisdom Alison Schuh Hawsey

Shift From the Shadow of Wants to Embracing Your Power

We are sick, struggling, and oversaturated by literal and social pollution. Why? Because we are not strengthening the faith in our being, which provides quality of life, endless grace, compassion, courage, coping, troubleshooting, respect, honesty, and prosperity for our lifetime.

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Wisdom Alison Schuh Hawsey Wisdom Alison Schuh Hawsey

Recognizing Intuition

Intuition is our inner knowing. It’s that little hunch, gut feeling, even light bulb moment that we have when we know something. We feel something is right or isn’t right. We’re uncomfortable but know we need to shift directions. It’s the beacon of light, the beacon of knowing that is guiding us where we need to be heading in life.

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Wisdom, Poem Alison Schuh Hawsey Wisdom, Poem Alison Schuh Hawsey

Stepping Stones

Yesterday cradles solutions we could not see at the moment as we were holding onto what came before yesterday and the day before and so on.

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Wisdom, Reflection Alison Schuh Hawsey Wisdom, Reflection Alison Schuh Hawsey

Tune In

I'm finding myself embracing moments in a whole new way. Some days with more patience than others, but often I catch myself day-dreaming. But then I stopped and thought - it's not day-dreaming that I'm doing its day-tuning.

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