Let's Talk About Love

When did we start loving everything?

When did the complexity and simplicity of love become diluted into loving everyday objects, services, experiences, etc.?

I love the sunshine.

I love the weekend.

I love your hair. 

I love a big salad. 

I love to travel. 

I love my new phone. 

I love Yarnell’s frozen yogurt.

As I sit here and write this, Ed Sheeran's song Afterglow starts playing in the background, and I say to myself - I love this song as I pause my writing and turn the music up loud and sing.

We use the word love so freely to describe simple everyday stuff and antics, yet when it comes to the true definition of love, we freak out, go into analytics, or go silent.

Some people like to drive deep and share all aspects of life and love. At the same time, some sit back, listen, and are uncomfortable sharing anything. Meanwhile, some of us float around in the center, happy to share.

Question. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by love?

Can you recall a moment when you had a hard-to-explain deep affection for someone—a surprise smile on your face and a joyful tear to your eye? A feeling so unexpected that you wonder for a moment if this feeling was natural or if you imagined it to be true because it's so foreign to your being.

I'm not talking about the initial passion upon meeting someone when there is an attraction beyond your control. Yet a divine moment of tenderness, fondness, respect, trust, enjoyment, understanding, and regard all rolled into one feeling. It could be for your partner, parent, child, friend, etc.

Another question. When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror? I mean, really looked into your eyes said or felt, "I love myself?" I'm not talking about your haircut, latest lipgloss, your newly trimmed beard, or your outfit. I'm talking about you. And you don't even need a mirror to look into yourself to see how you feel about yourself.

One suggestion I give to struggling clients is to look into a mirror at themselves. It's used as a brake to get them to stop. Slow their roll to pause to experience the moment. And see and feel who and how they are doing.

I think it's fair to say that there are people who put most of their emphasis and energy into their exterior selves. Some focus on looking good with the latest anti-aging products, clothes, hair, etc. Why? Because it feels good to look good. Some always have a new car and the latest cellphone or gadgets but complain about being broke. How about the people who make sure their yards are manicured regularly (at least the front yard that everyone sees). Or how many people seem to use social media as a relationship hub, posting the prettiest pictures, shaming comments, blaming others for how they feel, debating the latest hot topic, etc. I'm not saying that any of these examples are wrong. Still, it's my experience that when all of someone's self-time and energy are focused on the expectations of the exterior being, the feelings of self-doubts, anxiety, sickness, dread, uncertainty, etc., continue to lay down layer upon layer, shielding themselves from their wisdom. Leading to either seeking approval from others or projecting judgment, instead of feeling the intentional flow that the inner knowing provides by our intuition, and ultimately self-love.

The rhythm of love fuels the rhythm of your life.

But when are you putting the relationship with yourself first?

It might seem strange and uncomfortable even to think, do I love myself. This question might have triggered something inside you that feels uncomfortable, perhaps even egotistical. I hope when you think about yourself, your first thoughts are thoughtful, prideful, and filled with self-admiration and love.

There is truth to these statements.

  • Happiness begins with you.

  • You can't feel love until you feel it for yourself.

  • Good in, Good out. Bad in, Bad out.

There is a reason love is a wondrous thing. Love can be expressed for something simple like the sunshine or a great song. Love can be shared between people for a day or a century.

My 50+ years have shown me that love begins with me. 

What I'm feeling, acknowledging, nourishing my mind, body, and soul creates the energy and vibration I exude. And guess what? The sun doesn't shine within my being each day. Some days I'm not feeling my best, so I might not behave my best, but I do my best to be kind to myself and allow myself to work through what is needed to be my best self.

Last fall, I posted my first course called Ten Steps to Shift Towards Clarity. I created it based on my life experiences. It provides guidelines on how to unapologetically take charge of your thoughts and feelings by connecting with your intuition, your inner knowing. I support my clients with one-on-one Intuitive Coaching, Reiki, and Intuitive Reading session, in addition to the Intuitive Group Sessions and Meditation at Eden Salt Studio. I'm a teacher on Insight Timer, the number one Mindfulness/Meditation app globally. I just launched my new Intuitive Journaling Group, and I will soon be adding Medium sessions to my schedule. I'm finalizing my 200-hour meditation certification course, and I'm actively writing a book with the goal of my first draft being completed by the end of 2022.

I share this list with you because I was stuck in a doubtful place just a few years ago, being afraid to share my psychic gifts with people. I was scared of what my family and friends would say and how they would feel about me. But as I continue to walk through the discomfort, I see that I am in charge of my thoughts and feelings, and they are in control of theirs. And as I share my gifts and support others on their journey, my bucket of love continues to expand.

You've made it this far in your journey for a reason. And if you continue to put yourself first and find a moment to feel and show yourself the love you deserve, you'll get it back in return ten-fold.

Remember the rhythm of love fuels the rhythm of your life.

©️2022 Alison Schuh Hawsey

Alison Schuh Hawsey

As an Intuitive Transformation Coach, Reiki Master, Writer, and Podcaster, Alison works with overwhelmed clients who want to reconnect with their intuition, vision, and passion for maintaining what brings them happiness and prosperity.

Alison is passionate about staying connected to intuition through daily practices, teaching the art of listening, and continuing her journey by soaking up as many experiences as possible by mirroring her motto of shifting today into a greater tomorrow.


Stepping Stones


What if we chose to…