
Ripples across the pond

Ripples across my skin

Ripples across relationships

Ripples throughout a lifetime

This morning I woke up and instantly thought I need to remember Ripples and to think about what Ripples mean to me.

Over time, I've had ripples of memories.

Recently, I was fortunate to have a dear friend stop for an overnight visit on her way to her final destination. We hadn't seen each other in several years, but it was as if no time had gone by and we picked up right where we left off.

In the past, when visiting with someone, I was left with a bouquet of different emotions. Sometimes I would be left feeling melancholy since I wouldn't know when we'd see each other again. Other times relief because of all the "shoulds" that got in the way. But recently my visits with folks have left me with only gratitude and joy.

Why the shift?

With my internal work of releasing expectations, I try only to enjoy our time together, and I know that I'm only in charge of me and my reactions and emotions.

Ripples of relationships that have had looping thoughts in my mind:

  • Family relationships

  • Friend relationships

  • Work relationships

  • Lover relationships

  • Pet relationships

  • Neighbor relationships and so on

Relationships are like ripples in a pond. A stone is thrown, the water ripples and waves hit the shore sometimes bouncing back, while others fade away.

When the ripples fade, all that is left is a reflection. A reflection of a clear blue sky. A reflection of a cloudy day. A reflection of beautiful memories, sometimes significant loss and pain, but always a reflection of me.

It's up to me to stand confident and sturdy on the shore, ready to embrace the next ripple no matter what the outcome. If I'm paying attention, it will leave behind a hint of wisdom.

©️2019 Alison Schuh Hawsey

Alison Schuh Hawsey

As an Intuitive Transformation Coach, Reiki Master, Writer, and Podcaster, Alison works with overwhelmed clients who want to reconnect with their intuition, vision, and passion for maintaining what brings them happiness and prosperity.

Alison is passionate about staying connected to intuition through daily practices, teaching the art of listening, and continuing her journey by soaking up as many experiences as possible by mirroring her motto of shifting today into a greater tomorrow.

Do, Say, Be


Life is Now in Session