Journal Prompt #6
Look back and read what you’ve written since Prompt #1. How does it make you feel and why?
Journal Prompt #7
What thoughts are you looping? Are they consuming your day? Your energy? Your outcomes? Your chance to move forward? It’s time to get them all out.
Journal Prompt #8
Looking back at your entry from Prompt #7 - What thoughts are you looping? Are they consuming your day? Your energy? Your outcomes? Your chance to move forward? It’s time to get them all out. - What do you think causes you to hold onto those looping thoughts, expectations, and judgements?
Journal Prompt #9
Looking back at your entry from Prompt #7 - What thoughts are you looping? Are they consuming your day? Your energy? Your outcomes? Your chance to move forward? It’s time to get them all out. - Which one of the looping thoughts do you want to let go of most and why?
Journal Prompt #10
Thinking about what you want to let go of, what role did you play in creating the situation? Not what anyone else did just focus on you.
Journal Prompt #11
Just when we think we’re over something we get triggered and then we tend to jump right back into looping thoughts leading us to create so many different scenarios of what could or should’ve happened.
Journal Prompt #17
Make a list of the “Should Shields” you stack against others.
Ouch, this one might make you sweat! Should Shields are a two way street. We give some, we get some.
It’s a fact of life. But if we’re going to shine the light on what we feel others are stacking against us, then we need to get honest about what we’re stacking against others.
Journal Prompt #19
Go through an entire day with no “Should Shields,” either giving or receiving. Describe the experience of the day and how did it make you feel?
It sounds easier said than done. Here are some examples of Should Shields (SS) - SS that you might give yourself, SS that we might give to our kids, and SS that you might feel from someone else.
Journal Prompt #21
Define the word Intention and what it means to you.
We tend to live in a control mode with a To-Do list of expectations and judgments, which all fuel the “Should Shields.”
Let me ask you, have you ever go with the flow? Your answer is probably yes, however in reality, it’s probably no.
Journal Prompt #22
Do you live with a list of expectations or a menu of intentions?
I purposely connect a list with expectations because when you make a list it’s usually of items or things you need to gather, complete or tend to, right? Whereas a menu is again a list yet you get to choose what you’d like to have because it’s what you love and it makes you feel good.
Journal Prompt #23
Do you think it’s possible to shift your expectation-based life to living in the flow of intentions?
A simple question that will take more than one journal entry to unpack but today is a great day to get started.
Journal Prompt #24
What does it mean, and how does it feel when you flow through life rather than control the energy?
When we become more connected with our intuition then we become more aware, more patient, and more energized towards/about all aspects of life and death.
Journal Prompt #25
Over the past 24 journal entries, what have you learned about yourself?
Can you believe you’ve been at this for 24 journal entries already? I do. It means you’re ready to shift your life because you’ve just begun to scratch the surface of what a fantastic human you are, and you’re ready for more.
Journal Prompt #26
Since you began connecting with your intuition twenty-five journal entries ago, how do you feel about yourself compared to when you began?
How do you feel about yourself right now compared to when you began? Yes, I’m repeating myself because I want to make sure you’re paying attention. Take some time to unpack this one.
Journal Prompt #27
What is your next adventure?
You’ve spent a lot of time reflecting, defining, unpacking, and connecting with yourself. So, what’s next?
This can be as exciting or meaningful as you give in to the moment.
Journal Prompt #28
Celebrate yourself today. It’s been an honor to create this month of journal prompts for you. These will remain here as long as they are needed.