Journal Prompt #7

What are your looping thoughts? Are they consuming your day? Your energy? Your outcomes? Your chance to move forward? Get them out.

This one may take a while, and that’s ok. Most of us get stuck in looping negative thoughts, expectations, and judgments.

These loops can be filled with things we fear, things that we can’t control, feelings we have about what someone did to us, things we can do better, a never-ending list of why’s, etc.

It’s time to be still and uncover the discomfort so that there is a clear path to move forward with clarity and grace.

I’m available to chat if you hit a roadblock.

Happy writing!

Alison Schuh Hawsey

As an Intuitive Transformation Coach, Reiki Master, Writer, and Podcaster, Alison works with overwhelmed clients who want to reconnect with their intuition, vision, and passion for maintaining what brings them happiness and prosperity.

Alison is passionate about staying connected to intuition through daily practices, teaching the art of listening, and continuing her journey by soaking up as many experiences as possible by mirroring her motto of shifting today into a greater tomorrow.

Journal Prompt #6


Journal Prompt #8