Alison Schuh Hawsey

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Journaling Prompt #1

What does your name mean? And how do you connect with the meaning of your name?

Have you ever looked up the meaning of your name? Well, someone put a lot of thought into the name you were given and maybe you’ve never thought about what the meaning of it is. This doesn’t mean you need to google yourself to see how many times it’s listed or what “dirt” you come up with, but what does your name mean.

My name is Alison and its origin is English and French with the meaning of Noble One....Hmmm, that’s one for me to ponder.

You're already sitting there with your phone or tablet, so switch over to a browser and type in what is the meaning of your name. Read about it, and then begin writing.

Remember this time is for you to connect with yourself. Not to hold judgment or wonder what someone else is thinking about you, but to simply connect with yourself.

If you’d like to share your name and the meaning of your name in the comments below or DM me I’d love to see what you have found.

Welcome to journaling. It’s time to shift today into a greater tomorrow.

Happy writing!

My journal entry for Prompt #1

The meaning of a name and the feeling about the meaning could not be more different. Good, bad, or indifferent. Just interesting. Kind of like ice cream topped with crumbled bacon. Or a polar bear plunge or maybe a blind date or starting a whole new job where they don't train you and expect you to do well, or having your child. No clue how I feel until I dig in, and this isn't my first rodeo.

I just looked up the meaning of my name, again.

Yes, again. I've done this before. The most recent time was a year ago when I was preparing for The Pines Women's Retreat I co-hosted with my friend Felicia. I looked up all our attendees' meaning for the retreat and put them on their name cards. It was more fun to look up their names and read their definitions than researching my own and trying to connect with myself.

Kind of like everything in life; It's much easier to project and stay on the outside rather than connecting with the inside and getting to know something or someone, especially ourselves.

And here I am sharing a February journaling prompting exercise with people, and doing it alongside them. So let's see what surfaces this time around.

Alison is of English/French heritage and holds the meaning - Noble one. WOW! How did I not remember this?

So I immediately google - define noble one, and the first thing to pop up is the Oxford dictionary. It says belonging to a hereditary class with high social or political status; aristocratic; having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals (righteous, virtuous, good, honorable, honest, upright). Blah, blah, blah.

Instantly reading this, my ego jumps to the forefront. WHAT! Seriously?

I would never describe myself this way, I'm just a simple person, and I make mistakes all the time. An aristocrat? The high class would never describe me - no way! And why am I having this reaction?

And then my intuition calmingly walks into the space and puts a gentle hand on my ego's shoulder and says, "thank you for the reminders that I'm human, let's sit and connect so that we can both see the whole picture of where Alison is today."

I could list many accolades of what I have accomplished in my 49 years, but this is just a part of me - not who I am.

I could share my spreadsheet of medical challenges I have overcome, but this is just part of me - not who I am.

I could list all of the titles I have carried, but this is just part of me - not who I am.

I could write about all of the fantastic people I have met who have profoundly touched my life and whom I've shared memories with, but this is just a part of me - not who I am.

I could write a list of my insecurities and disappointments, but this is just part of me - not who I am.

I could write a list about all of the things I like about myself, and again, it's just a part of me but not who I am.

My name is Alison, and I am an awesomely flawed human who continues to do the best that I can each day to make a difference for where I am going in the future.

There is a menu of definitions, categories, tags, thought, feelings, and undiscovered parts that create who I am.

And I'm finally at a place where I'm unapologetically enjoying the ride.

PS - If you find spelling or grammatical errors - it’s just part of who I am.

©️2021 Alison Schuh Hawsey