Alison Schuh Hawsey

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Do, Say, Be

Throughout life, much of my time has been spent seeing the potential in others and having thoughts - if they would just do XYZ or ABC, I believe they could find happiness, prosperity, the knowingness they seek, etc.

Really? How vain am I to think that I could understand what someone else should be doing, saying, or being to make their life better?

The tables have been flipped numerous times, and I've received advice on what others thought I "should" be doing, saying, or being - sometimes it was helpful, but other times it would irritate me. Often the unsolicited advice would rock my core, leave me feeling resentful and I'd pull away.

It wasn't until my then-husband (not my current 'love') came to me one day and informed me that he had changed his mind (for the 100th time) and decided we weren't going to have children. At that moment, a door opened within, and a part of myself confidently walk into the world. Aha! This is my life and my journey to make decisions of what I want to see and experience along my path, not for anyone else to dictate.

The final straw was pulled. Connecting my life with someone who wanted to control what I 'should' be, do, and have was no longer serving me.

This man isn't a bad person; he just wasn't my person. I had known this for some time but was afraid, ashamed, and uncertain of what would happen if I left him.

What would everyone think of me?

How would they treat me?

What would happen to me?

Then I realized it didn't matter what anyone else felt. It didn't matter what anyone else's reaction would be, because this is my life, and no one can make decisions for my journey, but me.

This experience happened almost 20 years ago, and that is when I was introduced to Reiki. The awakening to myself and the wisdom I have gained has been and continues to be amazingly unexpected and rewarding.

Fast forward to today. I am full of gratefulness. I see and feel the potential in others and experiences that grace my path, but I know that I'm here to hold space for them, not guide them. My beacon of energy is for me to conduct myself. God, spirit, angels, universal life force (whatever you believe) are already working with us - if we are listening.

How much of your time is spent wanting others to do, say, and be who or what you think/know they should do, say or be?

How much of your time do you spend working with your inner guidance to improve your path?

©2019 Alison Schuh Hawsey