Alison Schuh Hawsey

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Yep, I'm Awesome and so are YOU!

Have you ever had a day when the moment you woke up, you just “knew” that your day was off to a bad start?

Give this suggestion a whirl.

Instead of thinking, “Geez, it’s gonna be a lllooonnnggg, bad, shitty day,” stop yourself, look in a mirror (if you can find one handy), and just say, “Yep, I’m awesome,” and mean it because you are. You don’t need anyone to tell you – own it!

Whenever I feel a pity party kinda day creeping in, I work really hard to remind myself that I truly have NO problems. I have food, clothing, and shelter. I have a fantastic family, a gaggle of terrific friendships, I’m healthy, and I have the will to #livelikeImeanit.

Yeah, I’m entitled to have a moment and feel crappy. But then I remind myself if I can just put that one foot in front of the other to move forward, there are joyful, peaceful, fulfilling memories to be made.

So just for today, find a mirror and remind yourself that - Yep, you’re Awesome!

Happy Day...

©️2021 Alison Schuh Hawsey