Session Pricing

Intuitive Coaching Session

$200/1- hour - INTUITIVE COACHING SESSION: Only you know what you need and how much of it you need.

Available via the Phone, Zoom, or In-Person

During the process (not necessarily one session), you’ll focus on:

  • Defining your blocks = What is in your way?

  • Reality = Where are you now?

  • Options = How to shift your thoughts, behaviors, and reactions.

  • Forward Momentum = What are your action steps to get you to redefine your strengths, retrain your thoughts, and believe in yourself?

Intuitive Coaching Package

  • 3 (1 Hour) Sessions = $425

Reiki Session

New to energy work or ready to ease into relaxation? A Reiki Session is personal energy work. I provide a space to allow Reiki Energy to assist you in your healing process. Each person has their own stuff to work through, so this time is just for you to focus on your intentions, and sometimes intuitive messages come through for my clients.

Currently Paused - $200/per hour — REIKI SESSION: During your Reiki Session, you’ll be in a space that will allow Reiki Energy to assist you in your healing process. Each person has their own stuff to work through, so this time is just for you to focus on your intentions, and sometimes intuitive messages come through for my clients.

$200/per hour - DISTANCE REIKI SESSION: This is simple yet effective energy work. You send me a message with your needs and intentions, and I’ll set a specific date and time just for you. Reiki Energy goes where it needs when it’s needed. I’ll be present when you request and spend that time working with my guides to support you and dedicate the energy to your needs and intentions.

$250/per hour - INTUITIVE SPACE CLEARING: Have you ever felt like a room, building, home, or space, in general, has a heavy, dense, unwelcoming feeling? Well, it might just need a good energy clearing. This is a process where I come to your location and use what is needed to help clear the space of unwanted or stuck negative energy. Depending on the space and what is needed, I use various dried plants that I burn, such as Rosemary, Pine, Sage, Mint, and Palo Santo. In addition, I leave with any intuitive messages that may come through during the process. Overall, it’s a supportive process that leaves the space with a welcoming aura.

Intuitive Readings

$100/45-Minute — INTUITIVE READING SESSION: Through setting intentions and conversation, you’ll receive what is needed. I open up the space to allow only positive, intuitive messages from your spirit guides, ancestors, and other spiritual connections meant only for you, and I’ll work with you to tap into your intuition so you can start to live with clarity to thrive forward.

Compliments of Jason Shivers

Compliments of Jason Shivers

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
— Ralk Waldo Emerson